Friday, June 29, 2007


Today is the big i-Day for apple.

Official release of iPhone.

Who is planning to get one?

Me - maybe. I am reading that its not that useful. They say Palm, Blackberry and other one currently in the market are more functional for business users and in general.

I have to say what a great and probably one of the most hyped marketing campaign in the history of product launch. I guess that's Steve Jobs. I mean anywhere u go, its iPhone everywhere.

Lets see what u have to say.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Russian ATM's running on unactivated copy of Windows

This is funny. Russians ATM's are running unactivated copy of Windows. Now there is a way for Microsoft to make money. See picture below. Taken from Engadget.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Indian Policemen in action

We should all be proud of our policemen. Here is why