Monday, April 23, 2007


Apparently read an article where the baggage loaders have been trapped inside the plane cargo area.  This is due to many reasons, loader was tired and fell asleep, someone closed the door too early, prank etc.

what do you think would happen to the loader trapped in the cargo hole in regards to temperature and Oxygen? Would he survive?

What do you all think?  Lets hear it.

Let me be more specific.  I am talking about the loaders that load the bags onto an airplane.  They are sometimes trapped inside the cargo hole.


Blogger deepa said...

Hmm...what would happen? Well, it depends on how long the flight is until they have to open the cargo hole again.

Its probably freezing down there too. Usually when I get my bags back they are cold. If the compartment is not big and its a long flight he will definately loose oxygen. That place is probably not sealed like the inside seating is.

But to be forgotten in the the cargo hole means that the guy was first of all sleeping on the job and had to be extremely sleepy.

12:11 PM  

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